“We are trying to End the War” Show Part III of Post View and the 92 Days of Sorrow Featuring:The Machine Gun Disco Dance of the Wild! 92 days of sorrows… is nothing compared to reality!Everyone went up in arms! and January was not even half way over! It hurts and it is so sad for the families left behind… What can we say? We feel for you? What a disappointment! It could have been my son… brother… father… spouse. It could have been me… But we are already filled with grief! Even in all of it’s young innocence… it turned out to be tragic… these past few days have been hell in our sleepy town! So fragile it is, so easily destroyed! Our children! In our own backyards! and now that we are sending more troops away… It’s a continuation… with more difficulties and new stories of horror. and it is not yet February… How sad for us all! What is the purpose? Will we live to fulfill ours? Will we ever live in peace and love? Can we? And how can we “celebrate” the New Year? Aren’t we supposed to dance and sing and jump around? For the new year? … and for the ending of the war? … show? Right? That is how we do it when it ends? no? But it didn’t end… and life went on! And it was horrible! It is not that easy… as a friggin’ art show! So… the horror remains… layered on top of our dysfunctional reality… against joy and innocence, here and abroad… while we reek havoc on each other! Willfully, foolishly… Oh Well. We have to try to experience a glimmer of … the dance… the Victory Dance? Not “victory over another” dance… but “victory over the sorrow!” … the ending of the war mentality? The ending of guns and stupidity and hate and selfishness and bombs and destruction… Can time heal these wounds? It doesn’t seem so sometimes. The pain keeps coming back… and we keep messing up! Can we contribute toward change? Will we have the chance? Do we even believe in redemption?
Come to our “Last Wednesday Open Mike” Wednesday January 31st, 2007 Featuring Mike DePatria on piano, Don Kommit, Ankh Ujima, Sam Mealie and see the “Machine Disco Dance of the Wild.” Music and slide show by Joe Muti Dance performance by Christine Conforti
IAM wants to thank the following artists for their profound contributions to the  Post View  “What’s Going on in our Government? War Show!” and the 92 days of Sorrows…. lauren aquiline, rachel ehrgood, ryan haeleh, don kommit, christine Conforti, sharon ronk, frank “poncho” Garcia, ray mandel, mike santangelo, yamil trenche, joe rufilo, karla wong, felize mosch, joe muti, mohamed metwaly, pattiann pascaul, tommy silva, vinny violet, ron emolo and music from: mike depatria,  rick boale, sam mealie, ankh ujima,  paul and friend walter eres, stewart brodian and the rest of you… at the IAM
Thank your for supporting us and we look forward to your company and comments. For more information log onto: www.ivanhoeartists.org Thank your for supporting us and we look forward to your company and comments. We have but one world… For the IAM:Â Christine