Last Chance for input into the NEA MICD

Hello Everybody!
It is time to wrap this up!
Time to stand up! Once more for what you want!

The National Endowment for the Arts
“Mayor’s Institute on City Design” grant cycle is ending!
So lets get this done!
We have one more chance to make comments and bring out your concerns!
If this plan is to have any meaning at all! and oh! We want this to be a great guide for us going forward!

But it will be on us!
So let”s have one last look at what we really want and tell the RPA what you think of what they have done so far!
Or forever hold your peace!

Remember this is our plan for our city!
And we are the creative force that will make it the unique and wonderful destination for the world!
And what an honor for us to be funded by the National Endowment of the Arts under the
Mayor’s Institute on City Design!

After this! It can be better!
After this! We will have the work to do!
After this! We should be a united front forging the foundations of an amazing plan for the arts in our deserving community!

All are welcomed!
Join us for the last meeting concerning this plan:
June 27th at 6pm
NJCDC, TOC Building
3rd Floor of 32 Spruce Street
Please RSVP so we know how many seats we need! and how much food to bring!
Call Christine at 973-800-9988