Category Archives: Announcements

Last Chance for input into the NEA MICD

Hello Everybody! It is time to wrap this up! Time to stand up! Once more for what you want! The National Endowment for the Arts “Mayor’s Institute on City Design” grant cycle is ending! So lets get this done! We have one more chance to make comments and bring out your concerns! If this plan […]

The IAM ” Closes Mo’s Show:( ” Show

This is the event we hate most. The closing of a beautiful show. Anyone who knows Mo, knows that Mo’s stuff is always a sweet surprise. His medium lends to that found arts and crafts experience. But this show is especially sweet and the colors are truly an indication of a shift in Mohamed’s style. […]

Take Part in the 25th Anniversary “Mayor’s Institute on City Design” Planning Workshop. Create the plan for Arts in Paterson! NEA Awaits our Design!

This image is from a walking tour design created by a team of local and international artists funded by the New York State Council on the Arts* 2006. The design represents a proposed Monument! developed for the City of Paterson. It exemplifies our opportunity to create a vibrant destination for future generations. Artists! This is […]

The 5 Caballero’s Show at the Ivanhoe

It’s the “5 Caballero’s Show” Our favorite “gentlemen” are exhibiting their talents and we want you to be there when we celebrate and encourage them as they share their most recent works. Let’s celebrate their comraderie and our admiration for the arts. Let’s celebrate life with all of it’s losses and horror’s, struggles and sorrows […]

IAM sad when the Big Top Comes Down

Big Top Perceptions And  IAM happy to say we did it again!
We did what we could. We came together and had a great show!
The artwork is extraordinary as usual.
The atmosphere: from laid back to dance party madness. Most importantly, our content had potency… IAM excited about it. But life under the Big Top is relative. […]