Author Archives: Ivanhoe Artists

The Ivanhoe Artists Mosaic Inc, was founded by Don Kommit, Christine Conforti, Michael De Patria, Ron Emolo, Al Facas, and Carolyn Sage Martourano. We spent Wednesday nights over coffee and we planned and implemented our art events. In 2006 IAM became a not for profit arts organization, offering continual arts events and providing arts to the community until 2013, when we dissolved the IAM as a Not for profit Entity. The Ivanhoe Artists website and blog remains as a testament to the work done. The work here was created and maintained by Christine Conforti who authored it in order to inform the public of the events and to use the blog as a creative out post and documentation of the work presented. Nothing will ever come close to the amount of work done at the Ivanhoe Wheelhouse as it was a unique and safe place for all who participated. This blog was my gift to the public, a labor of love that I hope to one day share in new ways.

Happy New Year 2013!

We are starting with a bang! We have less than 12 months to impress the world or bust! In 1913… hundreds of disgruntled workers gathered together to stand against the industrial machine… they stood for what they thought was a small cause until the IWW showed them how important their demonstration would be. They stood […]

IAM celebrating the City of Firsts! Thursday, December 13 at 5pm! Save the date!

IAM celebrating the City of Firsts! The City of Paterson! Our History! Our Holidays! Our Children! Our Stadium and Ourselves! …in a beautiful Beaux-Arts building in the heart of our business district. Join us!  for our holiday exhibition of arts, history and goodwill! Lead by the talented Nathan Webb, and Christine Conforti,  the teens of […]

IAM hosting Zombies Night Out October 26, 2012

Don’t Miss our Halloween Event! It is a fundraiser to benefit the Great Falls Teen Arts Lab. The Party??? We have Six Hot Rock Bands, a Tarot Reader, Artist’s Gruesome displays and other works for sale…There’s an awesome bar, on the premises too! This is going to be FIERCE! Right Suzy? I like talking like […]

S.U.M. Stories For The Bridge”

“S.U.M.* Stories For the Bridge”  A Mural Project *The Society for Useful Manufacturers is the original city corporation. Sponsored by the Ivanhoe Artists and Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park Phase One   This project is ongoing. If you would like to work on it with us please contact us. We are hoping to finish […]

Paterson and American Historical Discovery

Press Release Paterson and American Historical Discovery Date: Saturday September 22, 2012 Time: 10:00 AM Sharp Location: Ivanhoe Wheelhouse Museum and Art Gallery, 4 Spruce Street, Paterson, NJ 07501 Subject: Alfred Gibbs Campbell, African American Industrialist While researching the Ivanhoe Paper mill time line and ownership one of the owners stood out as a mystery. […]