Author Archives: Ivanhoe Artists

The Ivanhoe Artists Mosaic Inc, was founded by Don Kommit, Christine Conforti, Michael De Patria, Ron Emolo, Al Facas, and Carolyn Sage Martourano. We spent Wednesday nights over coffee and we planned and implemented our art events. In 2006 IAM became a not for profit arts organization, offering continual arts events and providing arts to the community until 2013, when we dissolved the IAM as a Not for profit Entity. The Ivanhoe Artists website and blog remains as a testament to the work done. The work here was created and maintained by Christine Conforti who authored it in order to inform the public of the events and to use the blog as a creative out post and documentation of the work presented. Nothing will ever come close to the amount of work done at the Ivanhoe Wheelhouse as it was a unique and safe place for all who participated. This blog was my gift to the public, a labor of love that I hope to one day share in new ways.

Open Mic: Last Wednesday March 27 8pm

Join us for more … fun!               Another Great Night at Ivanhoe

The Three Pillars @Ivanhoe

The Three Pillars Art Show Saturday March 22, 2013 We are very proud of Efrain Martinez, Rene Rosa and Franz Salazar                         Come Back for mare pics…

MusiXplore with If, Bwana, Al Margolis 1pm March 17 at Ivanhoe

                Please come out for more of John Korchok’s MusiXplore series. At Ivanhoe!

If, Bwana (Al Margolis) March 17 1pm

Annual Meeting 2013

                    Please join us for our Annual Meeting. Join us at 8 to vote in our President, Vice President and Secretary. We will be discussing our latest projects and laying our our vision for the year. We will also be announcing new developments at Ivanhoe and enlisting […]